I first get to know Jesus Christ through my Catholic parents, brothers and sisters. They told me that Jesus Christ is the son of God born of a Virgin. When He was on earth, He did a lot of miracles like healing the sick, feeding more than five thousand hungry people with five loaves of bread and two fishes, turning water into wine, among others. They said that Jesus Christ died in the cross that their sins and my sins will be forgiven.
Growing up in a Catholic family allowed me to go to the Catholic church and hear mass on Sundays. Every first week of the month, my family holds a Novena to Our Lady of Manaoag and the Lord's Pardon. It was a family ritual which I enjoyed doing as we alternately (boys vis-a-vis girls) recite the mysteries and Hail Marys. Forty days after the celebration of the Easter Sunday, my family goes to the Manaoag Church in Pangasinan to hear mass, line up to image of Our Lady of Manaoag and celebrate the Ascension Day. Each year, we likewise observe feasts of patron saints in our Barangay sitio and Town Fiesta. I observe a festive and colorful atmosphere each fiesta with bandiritas all over the place, band playing their instruments and various games for children. I always look forward to these events.